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励志语录 > 励志演讲 > :比尔盖茨哈佛大学演讲稿中英版是由一生祝福网(www.13zhufu.com)为您精心收集,如果觉得好,请把这篇文章复制到您的博客或告诉您的朋友,以下是比尔盖茨哈佛大学演讲稿中英版的正文:


  I am optimistic that we can do this, but I talk to skeptics who claim there is no hope. They say: "Inequity has been with us since the beginning, and will be with us till the end – because people just … don’t … care." I completely disagree.




  I believe we have more caring than we know what to do with.




  All of us here in this Yard, at one time or another, have seen human tragedies that broke our hearts, and yet we did nothing – not because we didn’t care, but because we didn’t know what to do. If we had known how to help, we would have acted.




  The barrier to change is not too little caring; it is too much complexity.




  To turn caring into action, we need to see a problem, see a solution, and see the impact. But complexity blocks all three steps.




  Even with the advent of the Internet and 24-hour news, it is still a complex enterprise to get people to truly see the problems. When an airplane crashes, officials immediately call a press conference. They promise to investigate, determine the cause, and prevent similar crashes in the future.




  But if the officials were brutally honest, they would say: "Of all the people in the world who died today from preventable causes, one half of one percent of them were on this plane. We’re determined to do everything possible to solve the problem that took the lives of the one half of one percent."




The bigger problem is not th


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